
Samsung Exynos Driver درایور اگزینوس EUB mode


Samsung Exynos Driver درایور اگزینوس EUB mode گوشی های اگزینوس سامسونگ برای شناسایی توسط سیستم به درایور خاصی نیاز ندارند، همین UsbDK باشه کافیه (:

Chimera Tool can perform various procedures on Samsung Exynos devices, but in most cases, removing the back cover and using Test Points is necessary to put the device in the right mode. In this article we will show you how you can do that.

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We’re supporting phones in Exynos USB Booting (EUB) mode, which is a low-level interface for devices equipped with Exynos SoCs. Similar to the Emergency Download Mode (EDL), which is available for Qualcomm SoCs. This mode is usually available on devices that cannot boot up, but is also accessible via hardware Test-Point. Via this port, It’s possible to upload and boot to ODIN mode, which later can be used to flash the device with a firmware. We’re currently supporting Samsung phones in this mode.

Samsung Exynos Driver درایور اگزینوس EUB mode

EUB mode is handled via UsbDk, you don’t need to have a specific Exynos driver.

There are two methods of connecting the device in EUB mode

Download 32bit

Downlaod 64bit

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